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Welcome Jess Ignacio to our site!

Jess: Thank you for joining us!

Jess Ignacio is a friend of my late wife Tess Garcia Perseveranda (and my friend on Facebook of course). She has joined Pinoybuilt as a blogger.

Jess, I'm looking forward to your posts. We had a lengthy discussion on Messenger. To recap:
  • The main site is www.pinobuilt.com. That site is Northern California-based since that's where I live.
  • Feel free to recruit bloggers to this site PH.pinoybuilt.com. They should be based in the Philippines of course.
  • Pinoybuilt.com and sub-sites are all limited to 100 authors/bloggers.
  • The sites make money through Google Ad views so please do invite family and friends to visit here. Have them make this their home website. ;)
  • Since the number one concentration of Filipino Americans is Los Angeles, CA, I have a site that caters to that, LA.pinoybuilt.com.
I'll keep this short for now. As you and I discussed, we'll post daily and communicate via the COMMENTS box (unless it's a private matter).

Maraming salamat ulit!

Photo courtsey of Jess Ignacio.

The site works via TAGS so please do add them to your posts.


Please drop us a comment below. 🙏🏽 Help us grow Pinoybuilt to be the number one online community in the Philippines. Please click to follow PH.pinoybuilt.com. 🤙🏽 Thank you! 👊🏽 Maraming salamat po kabayan.  ✌🏽 J.F. Ronaldo Perseveranda

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